We Guarantee to Take Clean to a Whole New Xtreme

You can book your service with us confidently knowing that if you aren’t satisfied, Texas Xtreme Clean will refund you 100% of the price you paid for service if you let us know of any issues within 24 hours

Did we not get it right? Follow these simple steps to resolve your issue.

Ensure your service was performed within the last 24 hours

Due to the nature of cleaning, we can only guarantee our work for 24 hours.

If it's within the 24 hour time frame, please email Texas Xtreme Clean photos and a description of what areas were not properly cleaned.

Send emails to info@texxclean.com. Please ensure each photo definitively shows uncleaned areas and also be descriptive of what is in each photo.

Leave it to us to get back to you. Fast

You can count on hearing from us within 48 hours of sending the email.

Guarantee Policy

Please note, if you have done a walkthrough with the cleaner and agreed that the service was acceptable OR the service in question was performed more than 24 hours ago, you will not be eligible for a refund or re-clean.


Have a question?

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can reach us via phone during our regular business hours.

You can also shoot us an email and our customer happiness team will get back to you as soon as possible.



Book A Cleaning Now

If you haven’t booked a cleaning with us yet, give us a try today.

Texas Xtreme Clean was established as a premier house cleaning service out of a desire to provide a cleaning option to compete with the multitude of traditional cleaning companies. We back up each service  with our 100% Guarantee. Through competitive pricing, attractive service plans and friendly customer service, Texas Xtreme Clean aims to build a relationship based business in which staff members,and customers are treated as one family.

We’re happy to accommodate your needs and consistently “wow” you with our quality of work and attention to detail.

Our focus is really about keeping you happy and making sure we never turn into another average faceless cleaning company.
