Cleaning Supplies You Can’t Live Without

by invisibledomination - May 15, 2021

The Cleaning Supplies Your Home Can’t Live Without

When it comes to keeping a house clean, most people are aware of the big items that are necessary to get the job done, like a vacuum and a mop, but there are a few overlooked items that every home needs to have in their cleaning kit. Here we’ve compiled a list of 6 cleaning supplies that your home can’t live without.

Distilled White Vinegar

Even if you use store-bought cleaners, there are some things that a DIY solution with vinegar simply works best on. Because it is made of acetic acid, vinegar is a natural disinfectant and is also great at dissolving dirt and grease. It can be used to clean sinks, couches, carpets, and more! 

And if you’re worried about the smell – don’t be. Just allow the space to air out for a few hours and the smell will be gone.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is extremely absorbent, making it a great, natural choice to get rid of grease, stains, and odors in your home. Plus, when combined with vinegar, you’ll get a fizzing reaction which will help dislodge even the toughest dirt and grime. Baking soda by itself or with a little water can be used on nearly any surface. When mixed with vinegar, it’s still very versatile and can be used on almost anything but granite and wood, but it’s best to test a small, inconspicuous patch just in case the reaction could damage your surface.

Another natural disinfectant which you should keep around your home is rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol. It kills bacteria and evaporates quickly, so it makes an ideal cleaner for things you don’t want to get too wet, such as electronics. It can also be used to dislodge most kinds of sticky substances, such as glue or hairspray. It makes an excellent glass cleaner, and it’ll even work for removing ink or permanent marker stains. 

The higher the concentration of alcohol, the more it will disinfect and the more quickly it will evaporate.

Baking soda and vinegar are used quite often by home cleaning companies when performing a heavy duty cleaning like a deep clean.

Microfiber Cloths

Instead of going through paper towels like nobody’s business, get some reusable microfiber cloths to use for cleaning. These cloths are soft, so they can be used on anything without worrying about scratches, they’re absorbent, and they’re not going to fall apart while you’re scrubbing. They come in every color imaginable, so you can choose cloths which complement your style and feel good about using them.

Disinfecting Wipes

While these are admittedly not the most eco-friendly option on the list, they make keeping your surfaces sanitary a breeze. You can simply grab one and wipe, and your surface is germ-free! Plus, there are options from many different brands, and they’re safe to use on just about every surface. Keep a pack in the kitchen and bathroom, and do a 30 second wipe-down on the counters daily. Your home will sparkle!

Pro-tip: use these on your door handles and light switches, too! These frequently touched spots harbor a frightening amount of germs, but with disinfecting wipes they’re easy to handle.

A Toilet Wand

When it comes to cleaning your toilet, wiping alone won’t cut it. That’s why we recommend getting a toilet wand (not to be confused with your typical toilet brush). Toilet wands are longer, meaning you don’t have to be as close to the nastiness inside your toilet bowl, and many brands offer disposable toilet wands which come with refillable, disinfecting scrub brushes. Some will even dissolve and can be flushed right down the toilet once you’re done cleaning, so no messy trip to the trash can is required.

Keeping these 6 things in your cleaning toolkit will make cleaning a breeze and ensure that you always have the right ool or cleaning solution for the job!