How To Easily Organize Everything In Your Closet

by invisibledomination - May 18, 2021


How to Easily Organize Everything in Your Closet

Getting your closet under control can feel like a major undertaking. Most people fill their closets without much thought to how they’re organized because it’s all hidden away behind the doors, allowing the room to still look neat and tidy. But when you open those doors? Finding what you need can be difficult, and doing anything about it can feel overwhelming.

But we’ve got you covered. Just follow our guide below to get your closet organized quickly and easily.

Sort Items by Category

To get started, take everything out of your closet and sort it all into categories. Put your jackets in one category, your pants in another, your blouses, your undergarments, your shoes, and anything else in their own categories.

Doing this will make it easier to see what you have, what you can get rid of, and how you can best organize it all. It’ll also feel less overwhelming to go through one category at a time instead of tackling one giant mountain of clothes. 

This is why people hire a cleaning service to provide organization services for them, because most people do not like to deal with the mountain of clothes & clutter inside of a closet.

Donate What You Don’t Wear

As you go through each category, try to be ruthless about keeping only clothes that you love and feel great in. Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the last year or two and anything that doesn’t fit. Take clothes and shoes that are still in good condition to a donation center. If anything is torn or falling apart, trash it or tear it up to use as rags. 

Determine the Strengths of Your Space

This one may sound a bit strange, but it’s important to figure out the best use of your storage space. If you have a closet with lots of shelves and little hanging space, that will affect what you choose to hang. If you have only hanging space and no shelving, you’ll need to hang as much as possible and perhaps look at purchasing something to hold your folded items.

Match Your Categories to Your Space

Once you’ve determined the strengths of your space, it’s time to determine where each category will go. Jackets, blouses, and dresses should generally be hung. With pants, it will depend on what kind of space you have. If there is very little room for folded items, hang your slacks and even your jeans. If you’re low on hanging space, stack your pants on some shelves. T-shirts and undergarments are great for drawers (or shelves, if you don’t have any drawers).

Put Your Items Away by Use

Now that you’ve figured out where each category needs to be placed, put the items in them away according to how frequently you use them. Your most used items should be front and center for easy reach, while items you use less frequently can be put to the side, above, or below. You can also organize your space according to the order you get dressed.

Make Use of Extra Vertical Space

Once you begin putting away your items, you’ll quickly be able to tell if there is any space in your closet which isn’t being fully utilized. For example, if you hang mostly jackets and shirts, there may be a lot of space empty below them. Or, you might find that your wardrobe consists of very few things that need to be hanged, and you have lots of room left over on the bar.
This is when you should invest in some vertical storage options such as stackable crates, hanging cubbies, or installing shelves and drawers. Choose an option that best suits the categories you have most of and which will be easy for you to access. If you know you’ll never unstack the crates to get to the lower ones, then that is not the best option for you.

Using these tips for organizing your closet will make the process as quick and easy as possible. No longer will you feel overwhelmed by the hidden mountain of clothes behind its doors or be unable to find what you need in a hurry. Once your closet is under control, you’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief every time you open its doors.